Thursday, September 1, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
- Email contact information to me at hhalbert@gmail.com. See handout for exact information sought and pay careful attention to the subject heading and email account address I'd like you to use.
- Print, read, sign, and return your contract. See Handouts section of the class web page for the contract)
- Read "How to Really Read This Book" (Download from the Course Documents section of the class web page)
- Read and mark the following documents in this order (if you don't have the text yet, you can download these from Course Documents):
- "Creation of the Whites" (Yuchi myth; Heath Vol. A, 73)
- "The Arrival of the Whites" (Lenape-Delaware oral tradition; Heath Vol. A, 74-79)
- "Cluster: America in the World/The World in America" (background essay; Heath 124-126)
- from Utopia (Thomas More; Heath 127)
- from Of Cannibals (Michel de Montaigne; Heath 127-128)
- America (Painting, Heath 128)
- from New Atlantis (Francis Bacon; Heath 130)
- "Requerimiento" (Palacios Rubios; boxed text Heath 132-133)
- "Christopher Columbus" (background essay; Heath 119-120)
- Excerpt from The Diario of Christopher Columbus's First Voyage to America 1492-1493; handout.
- "Cluster: Aesthetics and Criticism—Paradigms of Cultural Encounters" (150-156)
- Be prepared to have your first reading check. Putting tabs in the text to mark what you read will help speed up the process.
- Please set up mail forwarding if you do not check your Montco email very often so that official school emails will reach you.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
- Read and mark the following Selections from the Heath Vol. A:
- from Relation of Alvar Nunez Cabez de Vaca (157-170)
- "History of the Miraculous Apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe in 1531" (196-204)
- "The Coming of the Spanish and the Pueblo Revolt" (221-225)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
- Read and mark the following Selections from the Heath Vol. A:
- All of the selections by John Smith (Vol A. 273-287)
- From Richard Frethorne, to His Parents (Virginia, 1623) (Vol A. 288-291)
- Read and mark "New England" (overview; Vol A. 314-318)
Thursday, September 15, 2011
- Read and mark the entire William Bradford section (Vol A. 348--370)
- We will discuss the in-class essay that will take place in one week.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
- Read and mark the entire Thomas Morton section (Vol. A 319-331)
- Read and mark the following selections from Anne Bradstreet:
- "Anne Bradstreet 1612?-1672" (Vol A. 418-419)
- "The Prologue [To Her Book]" (Vol A. 420-421)
- "The Author to Her Book" (Vol A. 426)
- "The Flesh and the Spirit" (Vol A. 427-429)
- "Before the Birth of One of Her Children" (Vol A. 430)
- "To My Dear and Loving Husband" (Vol A 430-431)
- "A Letter to Her Husband, Absent Upon Public Employment" (Vol A. 431)
- "In Memory of My Dear Grandchild Elizabeth Bradstreet, Who Deceased August, 1665, Being a Year and Half Old" (Vol A. 432)
- "On My Dear Grandchild Simon Bradstreet, Who Died on 16 November, 1669, being but a Month, and One Day Old" (Vol A. 432)
- "Upon the Burning of Our House July 10th, 1666" (Vol A.433-434)
- "To My Dear Children" (Vol A.434 - 437)
- Last day to drop before withdrawal begins
Thursday, September 22, 2011
- Read and mark the following selections from Cotton Mather:
- "Cotton Mather 1663-1728" (Vol A. 531-533)
- from The Wonders of the Invisible World (Vol A. 533-538)
- from The Negro Christianized (Vol A. 551-556)
- from Bonifacius . . . With Humble Proposals . . . to Do Good in the World (Vol A. 556-557)
- There will be a test on The Negro Christianized: you will need to write an essay (with quotes) that discusses if the text is a pro-slavery message or a means of undermining the validity of slavery. Everyone is required to take this exam. See handout on exam card preparation.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
- Read and mark the following from Jonathan Edwards:
- "Jonathan Edwards 1703-1758" (Vol. A 669-671)
- from Images of Divine Things (Vol A. 672-673)
- "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" (Vol A. 690-701)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
- Read all of the selections of William Byrd II (Vol A. 634-656)
- Sign up for Turnitin.com and add our class. See handout for details.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
- Read the following selections from Benjamin Franklin:
- "Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790" (Vol A. 837-840)
- Selections from The Autobiography (861-05: stop at the letter).
- Bring your MLA Supplement that came with your textbooks or a writer's handbook with the 2009 MLA update to class.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
- Complete the pre-writing activity for Paper #1. Bring a copy to class and post a copy to the discussion board under "Paper #1: Prewriting." (10 Points)
- Exam Quote Assignment #1 Due. Email your 7 quotes as either an MS Word or Rich Text File attachment to me at hhalbert@gmail.com by 8AM.
- Bring your MLA Supplement that came with your textbooks or a writer's handbook with the 2009 MLA update to class.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
- Draft of Paper #1 Due. Bring a copy to class and post a copy to the discussion board in the "Paper #1: Draft" forum. (20 points)
- The draft will be assessed according to the following scale: 20 points for a full draft with works cited, 15 for 4 pages without a works cited, 10 for 3 pages, 5 for 2 pages, and 2 for 1 page.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
- Mid-term exam. Bring exam card. See handout for details and questions.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
- Final Draft of Paper #1 Due in Email by 8AM. See checklist for details.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
- Read and mark the entire Thomas Paine section (Vol A 989-1008)
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
- Read and mark "Thomas Jefferson" (Vol. A. 2112-2115)
- Read and mark selections from Notes on the State of Virginia (Vol. A. 2116-1042)
- Last day to withdraw without my signature
Thursday, October 27, 2011
- Read and mark Vol A, pages 1008-1016 on John and Abigail Adams
- Read and mark all the selections by Sarah Moore Grimke and by Angelina Grimke (VOL B. 2238-2248)
- Read and mark "Declaration of Sentiments" (Vol B. 2270-2272
- Read and mark the entire Fanny Fern Section (Vol B. 2256-2266)
- We will discuss the Frederick Douglass in-class exam that will take place in one week.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
- Read and mark the introduction to Frederick Douglass and Chapters 1-9 of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, (Vol. B. 2035- 2070).
- Post a two-page response to the reading in the "Frederick Douglass Reaction" forum. In your response, identify a specific moment, quote, or scene in the text that you found particularly compelling and describe (using quotes with parenthetical citations) how Douglass is attempting to persuade/manipulate the readers to feel a specific way about that scene. (10 points)
Thursday, November 3, 2011
- Finish reading and marking Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, (Vol. B. 2035-2101)
- We will have our in-class essay exam on Frederick Douglass today. Bring your exam card.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
- Read the following selections by Phillis Wheatley:
- "Phillis Wheatley 1753-1784 (Vol A 1297-1299)
- "To MĂŹcenas" (Vol A 1299-1301)
- "To the Right Honoruable William, Earl of Dartmouth, His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for North-America, &c" (Vol A 1302-1303)
- "On Being Brought from Africa to America" (Vol A 1306)
- "To the University of Cambridge, in New England" (Vol A 1308-1309)
- "To His Excellency General Washington" (Vol A 1311-1312)
- "Liberty and Peace, A Poem by Phillis Peters" (Vol A 1313-1314)
- We will also check the Douglass reading today.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
- Read and mark the following selections from Washington Irving:
- "Washington Irving" (Vol B. 2299-2301)
- from A History of New York, Chapter 5 (Vol B. 2301--2309)
- Read the following selections from A Sheaf on Humor of the Old Southwest:
- Sheaf introduction (Vol B.2276-2279, including the ad)
- All of the selections by Davy Crockett (Vol B. 2279-2282)
- All of the selections by Mike Fink (Vol B. 2283-2287)
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
- Read and mark the following selections by Ralph Waldo Emerson
- "Ralph Waldo Emerson" (Vol B. 1704-1706)
- "Nature" (Vol B. 1708-1710)
- "Beauty" (Vol. B. 1711-1714)
- Self-Reliance (Vol B. 1746-1762)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
- Read and mark the following the following by Henry David Thoreau:
- "Henry David Thoreau" (Vol B. 1859-1862)
- "Resistance to Civil Government" (Vol B. 1862-1876)
- Bring your MLA Supplement that came with your textbooks or a writer's handbook with the 2009 MLA update to class.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
- Read and mark the following selections from Edgar Allen Poe:
- "Edgar Allen Poe" (Vol B. 2484-2486)
- "The Fall of the House of Usher" (Vol B. 2497-2510)
- "The Tell-Tale Heart" (Vol B. 2517-2520)
- "The Purloined Letter" (Vol B. 2527-2539)
- "The Raven" (Vol B. 2564-2567)
- "Annabel Lee" (Vol B. 2570-2571)
- Absences counts double
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
- Meet in Library Lobby. Sign in with Dr. Halbert.
- Pre-writing activity for research Paper #2 due.
- Bring your MLA Supplement that came with your textbooks or a writer's handbook with the 2009 MLA update to class.
- Attendance penalty is doubled for missing this class meeting.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
- Post Annotated Bibliography by 5PM today.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
- Draft of Paper #2 due. Bring a copy to class and post a copy in the "Paper #2: Draft" forum.
- The draft will be assessed according to the following scale: 20 points for a full draft with works cited, 15 for 4 pages without a works cited, 10 for 3 pages, 5 for 2 pages, and 2 for 1 page.
Thursday, December 8, 2011 (Last Class)
- Read and mark the following from Walt Whitman:
- "Walt Whitman 1819-1892" biography (Vol B. 2992-2995)
- "Ethiopia Saluting the Colors" (Vol. B 3087-3088)
- "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd" (Vol. B 3089-3096)
- "Prayer of Columbus" (Vol. B 3097-3099)
- "To a Locomotive in Winter" (Vol. B 3100)
- Complete quote assignment #2.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
- EMAIL and POST RESEARCH PAPER BY NOON. See checklist for details.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
- Final Exam 10:15 AM to 12:15 PM
- Bring research paper packet to class. See checklist for details.
- Any major paper rewrites of Paper #1 must be emailed by 10:15AM.