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Last night, you should have come up with two topics about which you could write your personal narrative about an educational moment that changed you. Pick on e of them and answer the following questions to help you refine your thinking about what you will write over the weekend.

1. What were you like before this incident or experience? Write out a brief, informal paragraph that describes what you were like and probably would have continued to be like if this incident had not happened. Focus on qualities or plans directly affected by the incident.

2. What are the key points about what happened in the incident or experience? Imagine if you were not writing a paper, but rather a short-answer test question: boil down the key components of the incident to only the most essential information and write out a paragraph.

3. What are the permanent and lasting effects of this incident? Identify opportunities or loses that you have experienced due to the experience, changed attitudes that affect specific choices you have made, or other tangible examples of how you have been affected.

4. Write out a point outline of your paper that lists the major points you want to make in each paragraph and a couple of supporting details for each paragraph.


Site URL: http://www.halhalbert.com/classes/fall2012/eng101
Site designed and owned by Dr. Harold William Halbert
Site published onAugust 28, 2012