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An outline can help writers to organize their thoughts prior to actually drafting their documents. For our formal outline, please follow the format below. When completed, post to the discussion board in the "Research Paper: Outline" forum as both a copy and paste and as an attachment. Then put a copy in the Dropbox for the Research Outline.

I. Introduction

A. Topic of Paper

B. Your thesis: the claim you want to prove about your topic

C. List of major points you expect to make in the paper.

1. First point

2. Second point

3. And so on . . . .

II. First Point (Body Paragraph)

A. Transitional word, phrase or idea

B. Main claim of paragraph

C. Supporting points for claim:

1. First point (plus research evidence, fact, or quote)

2. Second point (plus research evidence, fact, or quote)

3. And so on. . . .

III. - VI. (you need at least 4 body paragraphs)

VII. Conclusion

A. Topic and claim again

B. Recap all major points from all body paragraphs (list them out)

!. First point

2. Second point

3. And so on . . .

C. Explain how this idea has a broader implication for society






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Site designed and owned by Dr. Harold William Halbert
Site published on August 31, 2015