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Given the complexity of Freire's essay, we're going to each write a formal response to thes reading to help make sense of it. As part of your response, you will need to use the discussion board so that you can respond to another person's questions. I recommend that you type your responses to Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 in MS Word and save it. Then copy and paste your response into your discussion board post. Then do Part 5 at the end of your post.

  • Part 1: Type out three quotes from the essay that you think are important. Try and figure out what each quote means and write a paragraph about each quote.
  • Part 2: Look up three words in the dictionary. Type out the words and the definitions. Then type out the sentence from Freire in which the word appears (with quote marks). With your new understanding of the word, restate the sentence in your own words.
  • Part 3: Write about three-fourths of a page in which you attempt to explain what you think Freire is saying.
  • Part 4: Ask the class a question: type out a specific question about the text that you would like help understanding.
  • Part 5: Read the question posted by the person immediately before you. Copy and paste it into your response and then answer the question as best you can. These responses should be several sentences long. The first person to post is excused from this part because nobody will have posted before you.

This response is worth up to 20 points. The first person to post does not have to do Part 5.




Site URL: http://www.halhalbert.com/classes/fall2013/eng101
Site designed and owned by Dr. Harold William Halbert
Site published on August 31, 2015