Dr. Harold William Halbert


The following extra credit options are available for all of Dr. Halbert's Fall 2020 students.


One argument for public education asserts that a democracy needs an educated body of voters in order to make the best possible choices for our governmental leaders. Sadly, many Americans simply do not vote: only 61.4% of US citizens eligible to vote actually voted in the 2016 election, and of the US citizens between the ages of 18 and 29, only 46.1% voted (Source: US Census Bureau). Don't miss your opportunity to participate in the most important part of being a US citizen: voting.

To encourage you to vote, please register to vote. The deadline to register in order to vote in the primary on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, is Monday, October 19, 2020. Here are your options:

Useful voting links:

Due Date: October 23, 2020 (last day to actually register is October 19, 2020)
Points Possible: 5 points


If you are eligible to vote, please vote in the national election on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. You can find your voting station here. Take a picture of yourself in front of your polling station and submit it to the Voter Picture/Mail-in Ballot Extra Credit dropbox. Alternatively, send me a screenshot or PDF of your request for a mail-in ballot, available online, if you opted to avoid going to the polling station.

Due Date: November 8
Points Possible: 5 points

Black Experience in History and Memory: A Discussion on Black Diasporic Poetry (Wednesday, October 14, 2020, 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM [ET])

Join us for a panel discussion on the impact and relevance of African American poetry. This event is designed to bring about cultural awareness of the Black experience, but also to facilitate an ongoing dialogue on diversity and inclusivity. Following the panel, the audience is encouraged to ask questions.  

Moderated by Amanda M. Leftwich, M.S.L.S., Student Success Librarian, the panel includes:

You do need to register for the free event. Please post a two-paragraph, thoughtful response to the Discussion Board in the "Extra Credit: Black Diasporic Poetry Lecture" discussion board forum.

Due Date: October 21
Points Possible 5 points

ATTEND READING BY OBAMA'S INAGURAL POET, RICHARD BLANCO (Wednesday, October 21, 2020, 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM)

Richard Blanco is one of the great poets living today and served as President Obama's inagural poet. Richard Blanco's recent collection of poems entitled How to Love a Country contemplates how to belong to America, a country of contradictions, noble ideas, and great challenges. His insightful poems consider his family, his roots, and his sense of belonging in the U.S. He will be speaking to the College online. Tickets are required, but they are free. To get tickets and more information, visit mc3.edu/symposium.

Take a screenshot of the Zoom meeting. Then write a two-paragraph reaction to Richard Blanco's presentation. Post both in a single post to the discussion board in the "Extra Credit: Richard Blanco Talk" forum.

Due Date: Octover 31, 2020
Possible Points: 5 points

ENTER POETRY/SONG CONTEST (Submission due by October 1, 2020)

In honor of Richard Blanco's visit, studetns, faculty, and staff are invited to write an original poem or song lyrics and accompanying music about their experiences and sense of belonging in this country. See flier for details and guidelines.

To get credit, CC Dr. Halbert when you submit your poem or song.

Due Date: October 1, 2020
Possible Points: 5 points








Site URL: http://www.halhalbert.com/
Site designed and owned by Dr. Harold William Halbert
Page published on August 30, 2020