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Paulo Freire’s “The ‘Banking’ Concept of Education” offers a critique of how educators approach teaching students by offering two opposing teaching styles: the “Banking Concept” approach and the “Problem Posing” approach. Please write a two-page response that gives at least two quotes and post it on the discussion board in the “Freire Response” forum of the discussion board by 5PM on September 30th.  Your response should do the following:

  • Be two pages long in MLA format.
  • Be informal within reason: this is not a polished essay, but make sure your prose makes basic sense before you turn it in.
  • When you quote, put Freire's exact words inside quotation marks. At the end of the sentence, give a citaiton for the quote before the final period that starts with a parenthesis, give's freire's last name, a space, and then the page number followed by a close parentehsis and then a period. It should look like this: "...posing" (Friere 22).
    Consider the following issues in your response:
  • How does Freire define “the banking concept”?
    • What characteristics make up a “banker” teacher?
    • What problems does Freire see for individual students with banking? What problems does he see for a society that uses banking as its primary approach to education?
    • What points in Freire’s anti-banking position seem problematic to you?
    • How does Freire define “problem posing”? Why does he prefer this approach over banking?
    • What characteristics make up a “problem poser” teacher?
    • What benefits does Freire see in problem posing for the individual student? For society?
    • What problems do you see with problem posing that Freire may not mention?
    • What is your overall reaction to his argument?




Site URL: http://www.halhalbert.com/classes/fall2022/eng101
Site designed and owned by Dr. Harold William Halbert
Site published on August 29, 2022