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Each of you will need to be prepared to explain your research project to the class in the form of a two-minute presentation. Here's what you need to accomplish in two minutes:

  • For Educational Problems:
    • Identify the problem or issue in education you are writing about
    • Provide a brief background on the key positions both for and against your position
    • Explain what you are proposing as a possible solution
  • For History Issues:
    • Identify the historical issue you are researching
    • Indicate how it is treated in schools
    • Argue why its important to include it or expand coverage of it in schools.

Suggestions for a successful presentation:

  • Provide the relevant details that will allow the audience to understand what's the various issues are about your topic
  • Don't tell us everything: give us the highlights
  • Have an outline of your points written down so that if you panic or your mind goes blank, you have something to help you get back on track



Site URL: http://www.halhalbert.com/classes/fall2013/eng101
Site designed and owned by Dr. Harold William Halbert
Site published on January 12, 2014