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We've spent the semester writing about education, identity, and issues. I'd like each of you to write me a letter that talks about that experience. Divide the note into two sections: "Thoughts on Education" and "Thoughts on the Course":


  • Has this course made you reconsider how the educational process has affected your life and your identity? If so, what are some of the thoughts you have on the subject?
  • Has the course helped you to evaluate the performance of past and current professors? If so, how?
  • For those of you planning to have children, how might some of the subjects we discussed in the course or in your individual essays affect your interactions with teachers, administrators, and the entire approach to education?


  • Dr. Halbert made a conscious choice to build his class around an extended theme rather than having separate, unrelated units to write on. Did this approach work for you, or would you have preferred to jump from one topic to another?
  • Did the Education theme itself work for you? Why or why not?
  • Name three aspects of the course (methodology, readings, assignments, etc.) that Dr. Halbert should keep in future versions of the course.
  • What would you suggest Dr. Halbert revise about the course to make it more successful?
  • Ultimately, would you recommend the course or the instructor to someone else? Why or why not?



Site URL: http://www.halhalbert.com/classes/fall2013/eng101
Site designed and owned by Dr. Harold William Halbert
Site published on January 12, 2014