(REVISED 3/26/2015)
Thursday, January 22, 2015
- First Class.
- Pictures will be taken today.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
- Read and sign the class contract (see Handouts section of class web page)
- Email required contact information to Dr. Halbert at hhalbert@mc3.com. Download and use document template from Blackboard in the handouts section.
- Read and mark the following handouts (located in Course Documents of class web page):
- "How to Really Read this Book"—Frechie, Halbert, McCormick
- "First They Changed My Name"—Caffilene Allen
- "The Sanctuary of School"—Lynda Barry
- "The First Major Turning Point" –Malcolm X
- "'I Just Wana Be Average'"—Mike Rose
- "Cosmodemonic"—Michael Chabon
- Chapters VI and VII of The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written by Himself.
- "Theme for English B"—Langston Hughes
- "The Conversion of the Jews"—Philip Roth
- "Honor Bound"—Joseph Steffan
Thursday, January 29, 2015
- Freewriting activity for Paper #1. Post a copy on the Discussion Board in the "Paper 1: Freewriting" section.
- Bring your reading packet to class.
- Register for Turnitin.com. See handout for details.
- Read and mark "The Comma: P1-a" and "P1-b" in Hacker (A Writer's Reference) 293-294. If these page numbers do not line up with your edition, read your edition's statements on comma usage with coordinating conjunctions (and & but) and comma usage with introductory elements/phrase/clauses.
- Read and mark "MLA Manuscript Format: MLA-5a" (Hacker 481-483) and skim the sample essay to visually see how a paper should look in this course (Hacker MLA-5c, 487-492).
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
- First draft of Paper #1 due. Bring two copies to class and post a copy to the discussion board in the "Paper #1: Draft 1" forum.
- You need two full pages using MLA format (1" margins, 12 Point Times New Roman, Double-spaced, no gap between paragraphs) to get full credit. Less than that will be prorated. No draft will result in a -5 point entry on a 5 point assignment.
- Bring your calendar to schedule your required conference.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
- NO CLASS. Required conferences. Bring a REVISED second draft and post a copy to the discussion board in the "Paper #1: Draft 2" forum. Conferences are in my office, PH 441.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015 *
- NO CLASS. Required conferences. Bring a REVISED second draft and post a copy to the discussion board in the "Paper #1: Draft 2" forum. Conferences are in my office, PH 441.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
- NO CLASS. Required conferences. Bring a REVISED second draft and post a copy to the discussion board in the "Paper #1: Draft 2" forum. Conferences are in my office, PH 441.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015 (REVISED 2/15/2015)
- NO CLASS. Make-up conferences due to delayed opening on 2/10/2015. Bring a REVISED second draft and post a copy to the discussion board in the "Paper #1: Draft 2" forum. Conferences are in my office, PH 441.
Thursday, February 19, 2015 (REVISED 2/15/2015)
- PRINT, read, and mark Paulo Freire's "The 'Banking' Concept of Education" (Course Documents section of class web site).
- WARNING: This reading is incredibly difficult. You will need to budget at least two hours to read it despite its short length. Use a dictionary and write questions you have about the text in the margins along with your other comments.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015 (REVISED 2/15/2015)
- Final draft of Paper #1 due. See checklist for details.
- Read and mark "How to Integrate a Quote into a Paper" from the Handouts Section.
- Read and mark " How to Deal with Titles" from the Handouts Section.
- Read and mark MLA-2 ("Citing Sources; Avoiding Plagiarism") and MLA-3 ("Integrating Sources") in A Writer's Reference (428-439). Please put a Post-it book tab next to the ellipsis mark, brackets, long quotations, and signal phrases.
- Read and mark P5 ("Quotation Marks") in A Writer's Reference (322-327). Place a Post-it book tab next to "quotation within a quotation" and "blended quotation."
- Skim and Mark MLA-4 ("Documenting Sources") in A Writer's Reference (440-480). Place a Post-it book tab next to "Directory to MLA Works Cited Models," "Work in an Anthology," "Short Work from a Web Site," and "Work from a Database."
Thursday, February 26, 2015
- First draft of Paper #2 due. Bring 2 copies and post a copy in the "Paper #2: Draft 1" forum.
- You will need at least two full pages using class format to get full credit.
- Bring your copy of Freire and A Writer's Reference to class.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015*
- NO CLASS: Required conferences. Bring a REVISED second draft and post a copy to the discussion board in the "Paper #2: Draft 2" forum. Conferences are in my office, PH 441.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
- NO CLASS: Required conferences. Bring a REVISED second draft and post a copy to the discussion board in the "Paper #2: Draft 2" forum. Conferences are in my office, PH 441.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
- NO CLASS: Required conferences. Bring a REVISED second draft and post a copy to the discussion board in the "Paper #2: Draft 2" forum. Conferences are in my office, PH 441.
Thursday, March 12, 2015 (REVISED 2/15/2015)
- Third draft of Paper #2 due. Post a copy in the "Paper #2: Draft 3" forum.
- Read and mark "The Semi-Colon and the Colon" in Hacker (P3, 313-317).
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Thursday, March 19, 2015 (REVISED 2/15/2015)
Tuesday, March 24, 2015*
- No Class. Turn in paper electronically as described on the checklist.
- Final draft of Paper #2 due. See checklist for details. Make sure you add the page of commentary.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 (REVISED 2/15/2015)
- No Class.
- Last Day to Withdraw without my signature.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
- Read and mark selection from Lies My Teacher Told Me—Loewen (see course documents on class web site).
- Read and mark the selection from Limbo by Lubrano (see course documents on class web site)
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
- We will go over the in-class essay, research project, annotated bibliography assignment and presentation requirements today.
Thursday, April 2, 2015 (REVISED 2/15/2015)
- In-class essay. Bring exam card. See handout for details.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
- Research Paper prewriting due. Post a copy in the "Research Paper: Prewriting" forum and bring a copy to class.
- Library Orientation. Attendance is required. Absences count double. Location to be announced.
Thursday, April 9, 2015 (REVISED 2/15/2015)
- Meet in Library for research. Sign in with Dr. H in the lobby.
- Since withdrawal with signature officially ends Friday (4/10), today is the last day to get my signature. See course policies on withdrawal before asking for my signature and be prepared to justify your request.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
- Meet in Library for research. Sign in with Dr. H in the lobby.
Thursday, April 16, 2015 (REVISED 2/15/2015)
- No Class. Dr. Halbert will be at an academic conference.
- Annotated Bibliography due. Submit to Blackboard Drop Box and post to "Research Bank" on the discussion board.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
- First Draft of Research Paper Due. Bring 2 copies and post a copy to the "Research Paper: Draft 1" forum. Minimum of THREE pages required.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
- NO CLASS. Student Conferences. Bring 2 copies of a REVISED and COMPLETED draft with a WORKS CITED PAGE and post a copy to the "Research Paper: Draft 2" forum.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
- NO CLASS. Student Conferences. Bring 2 copies of a REVISED and COMPLETED draft with a WORKS CITED PAGE and post a copy to the "Research Paper: Draft 2" forum.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
- NO CLASS. Student Conferences. Bring 2 copies of a REVISED a
- nd COMPLETED draft with a WORKS CITED PAGE and post a copy to the "Research Paper: Draft 2" forum.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
- Last Class.
- Last class.
- Final draft of Research Paper Due. See checklist for details.
Monday, May 11, 2015
- NO CLASS: Class is over.
- Last day to email optional major paper revision to me. Due at 8AM. See instructions on the Assignment page.
There is no final exam in this class.