<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> Second Peer Review
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Exchange papers with a partner and write "Read by______" and your name at the top. Mark errors, awkward portions, and effective sections, offering commentary as you read on what works and needs revision. As you read, mark the following additional items:

  • For each quotation, verify that the quote has a properly punctuated signal phrase, the quote itself (with the quotation marks in the proper position), a properly completed and punctuated citation, and discussion. If the quote has all four requirements, put a large checkmark next to it and write "Quote verified." If not, put a large X next to it and write what is needed.
  • For each claim made in a paragraph, locate the evidence from either the primary text, the theoretical reading, or an additional source that substantiates the claim. In the margin, write the claim down and then indicate if there is "legitimate evidence," "mismatched evidence" (evidence that doesn't quite support what is claimed), or "no evidence."

After you have marked the paper for the above items, write your partner a note commenting on the following items:

  • The Paper's Format (does it follow MLA style?)
  • The introduction of the key texts (are the primary text and the supporting texts like the theoretical essay or additional materials set up before they are used?)
  • The transitions between paragraphs (do they show connections between paragraphs and set up claims to be proven in each paragraph?)
  • What works well in the paper?
  • What holes or omissions are in the argument?

When you and your partner have finished both marking the papers and writing the note, show your work to me, and you will be dismissed.


Site URL: http://www.halhalbert.com/classes/summer2011/eng102
Site designed and owned by Dr. Harold William Halbert
Site published on May 15, 2011