Please note that readings in the writing textbook may have different page numbers than those listed here because of the various editions floating around. Please make sure you are reading the sections I assigned by title, even if the page numbers don't match your book.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
- Email Contact information to Dr. Halbert at hhalbert@gmail.com. See handout for specific information. (1 point for doing, -5 for not doing)
- Read and mark "How to Really Read This Book" (photocopy). (1 point)
- Read, initial, and sign your contract for the course. (1 point for doing, -5 for not doing)
- Read and mark The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, pages 37-75 (actual start of novel up to "The Incident at the Window." (5 points)
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
- Finish reading and marking The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (pages 76-124). Note this includes "Chapter 10: Henry Jekyll's Full Statement of the Case.” 5 points.
- Read and mark pages 400-421 in A Writer's Reference. Place a tab on the following items: "unacceptable borrowing," "ellipsis mark," "brackets," "long quotations," "signal phrases," and "indirect source." 5 points.
- See my office door to sign up early for a conference next week.
- Set up your Turnitin.com account and register for my course. See handout for instructions.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
- Draft 1 of Paper #1 is due. Bring two copies to class. (5 points if 2+ pages, -5 if no paper)
- Post a copy in the "Jekyll/Hyde Draft 1" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
- Bring calendar to sign up during class for a conference on Monday.
Monday, May 26, 2014
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
- No Class. Required conferences. Conferences are held in my office, PH 434. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- Post the revised copy in the "Jekyll/Hyde Conference Draft" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
- No Class. Required conferences. Conferences are held in my office, PH 434. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- Post the revised copy in the "Jekyll/Hyde Conference Draft" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Thursday, May 29, 2014
- Read and mark Chapters 1-11 of I Am Legend. 5 points.
Monday, June 2, 2014
- Final Draft of Paper #1 Due. See Checklist for Paper #1 in the handouts section for envelope contents. 200 points.
- Submit the final draft to Turnitin.com. (1 point for doing, zero on paper if not completed)
- Post a copy of the paper in the "Jekyll/Hyde Final Draft" forum. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
- Submit a copy to the Paper #2 Dropbox. This copy is what will be graded. (1 point if completed, -5 if not)
- Please rename the file according to this convention: Lastname_Firstname_102_p1.doc or .rtf. (-2.5 if not renamed)
- We will preview the next unit and begin watching 28 Days Later in class.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
- Finish reading and marking I Am Legend (chapters 12-21). 5 points.
- We will continue to watch 28 Days Later in class.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
- Read and mark your photocopy of "Monster Theory (Seven Theses)." WARNING: this essay is very, very difficult. 5 points.
- Bring I Am Legend to class.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
- Read and mark your photocopy of The Horror Film (Chapter 9: "Slashers and Postslashers"). 5 points.
- Bring I Am Legend to class.
Monday, June 9, 2014
- Read and mark your photocopy of "It's Alive, I'm Afraid" from The Monster Show.
- Bring The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, I Am Legend, A Writer's Reference, and the reading packet to class.
- We will do the pre-writing activity for Paper #2 in class.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
- First Draft of Paper #2 Due. Bring a clean copy to class. (5 points if 3+ pages, -5 if no paper)
- Post a copy in the "Paper #2 Draft 1" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Wednesday, June11, 2014
- Second Draft of Paper #2 Due. Bring a clean copy to class. (5 points if complete, -5 if no paper)
- Post a copy in the "Paper #2 Draft 2" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Thursday, June 12, 2014
- Read and mark the following Poe selections from your packet:
- "The Raven" (754-756)
- "Annabel Lee" (738)
- "The City in the Sea" (744-745)
- "The Sleeper" (745-746)
- "Ulalume" (757-759)
- "Alone" (812)
- "The Conqueror Worm" (814-815).
- "Edgar Allan Poe—A Biographical Note" (816-819)
Monday, June 16, 2014
- Final Draft of Paper #2 Due. See Checklist for Paper #1 in the handouts section for envelope contents. 200 points.
- Submit the final draft to Turnitin.com. (1 point for doing, zero on paper if not completed)
- Post a copy of the paper in the "Monster Theory Final Draft" forum. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
- Submit a copy to the Paper #2 Dropbox. This copy is what will be graded. (1 point if completed, -5 if not)
- Please rename the file according to this convention: Lastname_Firstname_102_p2.doc or .rtf. (-2.5 if not renamed)
- Library Orientation. Place to be determined. Check the class announcements.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
- In-Class Poe Exam. See Assignment section for question options and instructions for making 5" x 8" exam card.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
- Meet in the Library (Main floor of College Hall: meet at big table past the reference desk).Sign in with Dr. Halbert.
- Research Paper Prewriting Due. Bring a copy and post a copy to the discussion board in the "Prewriting Activity" section.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
- Meet in the Library (Main floor of College Hall: meet at big table past the reference desk). Sign in with Dr. Halbert.
- Grammar Revision of Paper #1 Due. (50 points) See instructions in the Assignments section of the class web page. Email a copy to Dr. Halbert. WARNING. Failure to follow instructions will result in a zero/50.
- Name the file Lastname_Firstname_102_grammar.doc or .rtf. (-2.5 if not renamed).
Monday, June 23, 2014
- Annotated bibliography due. (50 points)
- Email a copy to Dr. Halbert and name the file Lastname_Firstname_102_bib.doc or .rtf. (-2.5 if not renamed).
- Post a copy to the "Research Bank" forum using both copy and paste and a file attachment.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
- Draft 1 of Research Paper Due. Bring a clean copy to class. (5 points if 6+ pages with Works Cited Page, -5 if no paper)
- Post a copy in the "Research Paper Draft 1" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
- No Class. Required conferences. Conferences are held in my office, PH 434. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- Bring a clean copy of the draft of your paper (5 points)
- Post the draft in the "Research Paper Conference Draft" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Thursday, June 26, 2014
- No Class. Required conferences. Conferences are held in my office, PH 434. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- Bring a clean copy of the draft of your paper (5 points)
- Post the draft in the "Research Paper Conference Draft" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Monday, June 30, 2014
- Last Class.
- Final Draft of the Research Paper is due. See Checklist for Research Paper in the handouts section for envelope contents. 300 points.
- Submit the final draft to Turnitin.com. (1 point for doing, zero on paper if not completed)
- Post a copy of the paper in the "Research Paper Final Draft" forum. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
- Post a copy of the paper in the "Research Paper Dropbox." This copy is what will be graded. (1 point if completed, -5 if not)
- Please rename the file according to this convention: Lastname_Firstname_102_p3.doc or .rtf. (-2.5 if not renamed)
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
- NO CLASS. Summer 1 classes are over.
- Optional Major Paper Rewrite due by 10:15 AM in my email account. Please rename the file Lastname_Firstname_102_p#REV.doc or .rtf.. See Major Paper Rewrite Guidelines in the assignment section of the class web page for instructions.