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You will need to find two partners who have not yet read any version of this paper. Provide written feedback to both of your partners. Write "Reviewed by [your name]" at the top and mark the draft (in a different color than any other reviewer's marks that may be on the draft) for strong points, confusing points, layout errors, grammar, and any other comment you think would give useful feedback. Then write a note on the last page that address the following:

1. Please restate in your own words what you think the author's argument is. If you cannot do so (or you think the author needs to clarify his or her thesis), indicate that they need to work on the introduction.

2. Which monster essay is the author using? If they are using "Monster Culture (Seven Theses)" or The Horror Film, how clearly does the writer set up the author and title of the work? What ideas are being used in the paper to support a claim? Are quotes from the theory essay tied to clear examples from the novel or film? Are the quotes actually explained?If the author is doing a historical analysis, he or she doesn't need to refer directly to The Monster Show, but he or she will need actual sources about the historical period: how effectively are such sources used?

3. What three things should the writer do as he or she completes the final draft?

This note should be at least a half a page long. Please sign it, and before you leave, you need to come up with the author to show me the notes. Each note is worth two points if completed.



Site URL: http://www.halhalbert.com/classes/summer2015/eng102
Site designed and owned by Dr. Harold William Halbert
Site published on May 18, 2015