Home | Start Here | Policies | Assignments | Handouts | Extra Credit | Grammar | Contact Dr. Halbert
Because this course is taught online, understanding the layout of the course and my expectations for participation is very important. Your primary interface with the course will be through the Blackboard online course management system available from the student portal of Montgomery County Community College. You will need to log in to the portal, click on the Blackboard icon at the top (it has a pencil as an icon), and use the menu options to guide you through the course. I have divided the course into the following basic sections:
- Announcements: I can send announcements through Blackboard to your official Montco email account as well as your Blackboard interface. I will use this feature often, so check your Montco account regularly.
- Policies: This section lists the rules, regulations, and expectations for the course. It's the main part on my "syllabus," and it acts as a contract defining how the course operates.
- Assignments: Here, all major assignments are listed with links to detailed expectations for each assignment. In a face-to-face course, I go over the assignments at length in class, but in this online version, you will need to read these assignments and ask questions to clarify what I want if you are not entirely sure. I am more than happy to answer questions about the assignments via email: just make sure those questions come well before the due date so you have as much time as possible to think about how and when you will complete the assignment.
- Handouts: This section contains supporting materials, including minor tasks, related to the course overall or specific units that I have created for the course. This section includes a series of "how-to" guides to help you accomplish specific tasks, such as MS Word commands, signing up for conferences, integrating a quote into a document, and more.
- Course Materials: This section will contain materials created by others that I have chosen for use in the class, such as digital copies of required readings.
- Discussion Board: We will conduct the bulk of our class discussions about the readings here, as well as drafts of your papers as we write and revise them.
- Grammar: This section contains links to online resources to help you identify and correct the most common grammatical issues I see in student papers. I will make reference to these links when I grade your papers so that you can refer to them should you wish to revise your first paper for an entirely new grade.
- Email: This section allows folks to email each other using Montco email accounts. Do not be creepy if you email each other. I will intervene if I receive complaints. Be nice to each other.
- Contact Dr. Halbert: Here I give a range of ways to contact me should you need to ask a question or discuss an issue with me.
- Extra Credit: I will offer a handful of extra credit activities and describe the option, the due date, and the points possible here.
- My Grades: Your individual assignment grades and running overall grade will be listed here. It's my expectation that you'll review this page every so often to keep track of how you are doing in the course.
Be advised that most of the items I write for this course will also be available on my personal web site, HalHalbert.com. I will link them into the menu, and they will open in a separate tab on your browser. If you log into Blackboard and click on a menu item that I wrote, it will open in a new tab but keep the original Blackboard page open in a separate tab in your browser.
Site URL: http://www.halhalbert.com/classes/summer2020/eng102
Site created and owned by Dr. Harold William Halbert
Date site created: May 15, 2020