Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
- Email Contact information to Dr. Halbert at hhalbert@gmail.com. See handout for specific information. (1 point for doing, -5 for not doing)
- Read and mark "How to Really Read This Book" (photocopy). (1 point)
- Read, initial, and sign your contract for the course. (1 point for doing, -5 for not doing)
- Read and mark The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, pages 37-75 (actual start of novel up to "The Incident at the Window." (5 points)
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
- Finish reading and marking The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (pages 76-124). 5 points.
- Read and mark the "Introduction (pages 1-13) and "They Say" in They Say/I Say. 5 points.
- Read and mark pages 400-421 in A Writer's Reference. Place a tab on the following items: "unacceptable borrowing," "ellipsis mark," "brackets," "long quotations," "signal phrases," and "indirect source." 5 points.
- See my office door to sign up early for a conference on Wednesday..
- Set up your Turnitin.com account and register for my course. See handout for instructions.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
- Draft 1 of Paper #1 is due. Bring two copies to class. (5 points if 2+ pages, -5 if no paper)
- Post a copy in the "Jekyll/Hyde Draft 1" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
- Bring calendar to sign up during class for a conference on Wednesday.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
- No Class. Required conferences. Conferences are held in my office, PH 434. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- Post the revised copy in the "Jekyll/Hyde Conference Draft" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Thursday, May 24, 2012
- No Class. Required conferences. Conferences are held in my office, PH 434. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- Post the revised copy in the "Jekyll/Hyde Conference Draft" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Monday, May 28, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
- Final Draft of Paper #1 Due. See Checklist for Paper #1 in the handouts section for envelope contents. 200 points.
- Submit the final draft to Turnitin.com. (1 point for doing, zero on paper if not completed)
- Post a copy of the paper in the "Jekyll/Hyde Final Draft" forum. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
- Email a copy of the paper to me as an MS Word or Rich Text Format attachment. (1 point if completed, -5 if not)
- Please rename the file according to this convention: Lastname_Firstname_102_p1.doc or .rtf. (-2.5 if not renamed)
- Email the file to hhalbert@gmail.com. (-1 if sent to MC3 account)
- We will preview the next unit and begin watching 28 Days Later in class.
- You may want to start reading I Am Legend.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
- Read and mark Chapters 1-11 of I Am Legend. 5 points.
- We will continue to watch 28 Days Later in class.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
- Finish reading and marking I Am Legend (chapters 12-21). 5 points.
- Print and bring to class the following documents in the Course Documents section of the class Blackboard site:
- Selection from The Horror Film
- "Monster Culture (Seven Theses)"
- selection from The Monster Show
Monday, June 4, 2012
- Read and mark your photocopy of "Monster Theory (Seven Theses)." WARNING: this essay is very, very difficult. I strongly urge you to break it up over the three days between classes. 5 points.
- Bring I Am Legend to class.
- Read "Her Point Is" and "As He Himself Puts It" in They Say/I Say (pages 28-47). Skip the exercises.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
- Read and mark your photocopy of The Horror Film (Chapter 9: "Slashers and Postslashers"). 5 points.
- Bring I Am Legend to class.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
- Read and mark your photocopy of "It's Alive, I'm Afraid" from The Monster Show.
- Bring The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, I Am Legend, A Writer's Reference, and the reading packet to class.
- We will do the pre-writing activity for Paper #2 in class.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
- First Draft of Paper #2 Due. Bring a clean copy to class. (5 points if 3+ pages, -5 if no paper)
- Post a copy in the "Paper #2 Draft 1" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
- Note: This is the last day to withdraw without my signature.
Monday, June 11, 2012
- Second Draft of Paper #2 Due. Bring a clean copy to class. (5 points if complete, -5 if no paper)
- Post a copy in the "Paper #2 Draft 2" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
- Library Orientation.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
- Read and mark the following Poe selections from your packet:
- "The Raven" (754-756)
- "Annabel Lee" (738)
- "The City in the Sea" (744-745)
- "The Sleeper" (745-746)
- "Ulalume" (757-759)
- "Alone" (812)
- "The Conqueror Worm" (814-815).
- "Edgar Allan Poe—A Biographical Note" (816-819)
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
- In-Class Poe Exam. See Assignment section for question options and instructions for making 5" x 8" exam card.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
- Final Draft of Paper #2 Due. See Checklist for Paper #1 in the handouts section for envelope contents. 200 points.
- Submit the final draft to Turnitin.com. (1 point for doing, zero on paper if not completed)
- Post a copy of the paper in the "Monster Theory Final Draft" forum. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
- Email a copy of the paper to me as an MS Word or Rich Text Format attachment. (1 point if completed, -5 if not)
- Please rename the file according to this convention: Lastname_Firstname_102_p2.doc or .rtf. (-2.5 if not renamed)
- Email the file to hhalbert@gmail.com. (-1 if sent to MC3 account)
Monday, June 18, 2012
- Meet in the Library (Main floor of College Hall: meet at big table past the reference desk).
- Grammar Revision of Paper #1 Due. (50 points) See instructions in the Assignments section of the class web page. Email a copy to Dr. Halbert. WARNING. Failure to follow instructions will result in a zero/50.
- Name the file Lastname_Firstname_102_grammar.doc or .rtf. (-2.5 if not renamed).
- Research Paper Prewriting Due. Bring a copy and post a copy to the discussion board in the "Prewriting Activity" section.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
- Meet in the Library (Main floor of College Hall: meet at big table past the reference desk).
- Sign in with Dr. Halbert.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
- Annotated bibliography due. (50 points)
- Email a copy to Dr. Halbert and name the file Lastname_Firstname_102_bib.doc or .rtf. (-2.5 if not renamed).
- Post a copy to the "Research Bank" forum using both copy and paste and a file attachment.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
- Draft 1 of Research Paper Due. Bring a clean copy to class. (5 points if 6+ pages with Works Cited Page, -5 if no paper)
- Post a copy in the "Research Paper Draft 1" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Monday, June 25, 2012
- No Class. Required conferences. Conferences are held in my office, PH 434. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- Bring a clean copy of the draft of your paper (5 points)
- Post the draft in the "Research Paper Conference Draft" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
- No Class. Required conferences. Conferences are held in my office, PH 434. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- Bring a clean copy of the draft of your paper (5 points)
- Post the draft in the "Research Paper Conference Draft" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
- Last Class.
- Final Draft of the Research Paper is due. See Checklist for Research Paper in the handouts section for envelope contents. 300 points.
- Submit the final draft to Turnitin.com. (1 point for doing, zero on paper if not completed)
- Post a copy of the paper in the "Research Paper Final Draft" forum. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
- Email a copy of the paper to me as an MS Word or Rich Text Format attachment. (1 point if completed, -5 if not)
- Please rename the file according to this convention: Lastname_Firstname_102_p3.doc or .rtf. (-2.5 if not renamed)
- Email the file to hhalbert@gmail.com. (-1 if sent to MC3 account)
Thursday, June 28, 2012
- NO CLASS. Summer 1 classes are over.
- Optional Major Paper Rewrite due by 10:15 AM in my email account. Please rename the file Lastname_Firstname_102_p#REV.doc or .rtf.. See Major Paper Rewrite Guidelines in the assignment section of the class web page for instructions.