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Exchange papers with your partner, write "Read by ____" with your name at the top, and mark the paper, noting the strengths, weaknesses, errors, and confusing sections. Then write a 3/4 of page note that address the following issues:

1. How effectively does the opening paragraph do the following?

  • Introduce the instructor under discussion?
  • Introduce both Freire and his essay title?
  • Set up a clear purpose to either evaluate the instructor or critique Freire? Is the specific judgment (positive or negative) clear?

2. . How effectively is Freire used in the paper?

  • Are each of the major claims about the instructor linked to a quote or paraphrasing from Freire?
  • Does each quote actually apply to the claim to which it is tied?
  • Point out which quote most closely matches the claim to which it is tied.
  • Point which quote is least matched to the claim to which it is tied.
  • Are there other quotes that would work more effectively for specific claims?
  • Does each quote have a signal phrase, a parenthetical citation, and follow the correct punctuation patterns?

3. What advice to you have for the next draft?


Site URL: http://www.halhalbert.com/classes/fall2011/eng101
Site designed and owned by Dr. Harold William Halbert
Site published on August 29, 2011