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Several members of the class contacted me for clarification for the assignments due the week of 11/3 and 11/5.  This message breaks down what is due.

Tuesday, 11/3:

Here's what the syllabus says:

  • Homework is due, but we will not meet today.

Translation: while we will not meet as a class, you still have homework due by the end of the day. You can do it during our normal class period since the time is set aside, or you can choose to do it at any point before 11:59 PM on 11/3.

  • Read and mark the selection from Limbo by Lubrano (see course documents on class web site)

Translation: just like you did for Lies My Teacher Told Me, find the essay in the Course Materials section, find the excerpt from Lubrano's Limbo so you can read and mark it.

  • Post a response to Limbo "Limbo Reactions" forum on the discussion board. Your response must be a minimum of 1 page using MLA format.  Give at least one quote to support whatever point you want to make about the reading. This response is informal, meaning I don't expect the high degree of polish of a formal paper, but make sure I can follow what you are saying.

Translation: write an informal response that includes a quote with a parenthetical citation (no need for a works cited entry). I want you to say something about Lubrano's claims and the term he coins to describe people who are first-generation college graduates.

  • NO CLASS. Dr. Halbert will be running a polling station for the national election this day.

Translation: we aren't having class because I am supervising a small polling station in my town so that people who want to vote in person can do so.

  • Please consider voting.

Translation: This request is my plea to those of you eligible to vote to perform the basic duty of every American citizen.

Thursday, 11/5:

We will meet as a class.  You must go to the Virtual Classroom first, and then you will do your in-class essay. 

  • You will need to prepare an outline (no complete sentences) of your paper.
  • Review the In-Class Essay: Defining Education topic on the Assignments Page in the Papers section.
  • The outline cannot be the essay written out in outline form: no complete sentences.
  • You will need to copy and paste the outline into the essay in the second question.

Once you are in the Virtual Classroom, go back to the Blackboard Tab in your web browser and click on "In-Class" essay. Then select "In-Class Essay: Defining Education" and follow the directions.






Site URL: http://www.halhalbert.com/classes/fall2020/eng101
Site designed and owned by Dr. Harold William Halbert
Site published on August 30, 2020