DAILY ASSIGNMENTS (Updated4/7/2013)
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
- Email Contact information to Dr. Halbert at hhalbert@gmail.com. See handout for specific information and spreadsheet download. (1 point for doing, -5 for not doing)
- Read and mark "How to Really Read This Book" (Download from Course Documents and print copy). (1 point)
- Read, initial, and sign your contract for the course. (1 point for doing, -5 for not doing)
- Read and mark The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, pages 47-85 (actual start of novel up to "The Incident at the Window." (5 points)
- We will take individual pictures today so that your instructor can learn your names.
Monday, January 28. 2013
- Finish reading and marking The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (pages 86-130). 5 points.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
- Read and mark pages 428-443 in A Writer's Reference. Place a tab on the following items: "unacceptable borrowing," "ellipsis mark," "brackets," "long quotations," and "signal phrases." Also read MCCC-10 through MCCC-15 at the beginning of A Writer's Reference. Place tabs besides "Capitalizing a title," the "italics/Quote/None" chart, and the three main ways to set up a quotation. 5 points.
- Bring The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde to class.
Friday, February 1, 2013
- Prepare and bring your first "Handbook Card" for your first "Handbook Quiz." The quiz will focus on these four issues: use of ellipses, capitalization of a title, marking a title, and properly punctuating a signal phrase.
- Set up your Turnitin.com account and register for my course. See handout for registration log-in information.
- Bring The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde to class
Monday, February 4, 2013
- Draft 1 of Paper #1 is due. Bring two copies to class. (5 points if 2+ pages, -5 if no paper)
- Post a copy in the "Jekyll/Hyde Draft 1" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
- Bring calendar to sign up during class for a conference on Wednesday.
Wednesday, February 6. 2013
- No Class. Required conferences. Conferences are held in my office, PH 441. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- Bring a clean copy of a revised draft of your paper using the peer review and class activities from Wednesday as a guide. (5 points if revised, -5 if same copy as Monday's draft)
- Post the revised copy in the "Jekyll/Hyde Conference Draft" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Friday, February 8, 2013
- No Class. Required conferences. Conferences are held in my office, PH 441. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- Bring a clean copy of a revised draft of your paper using the peer review and class activities from Wednesday as a guide. (5 points if revised, -5 if same copy as Monday's draft)
- Post the revised copy in the "Jekyll/Hyde Conference Draft" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Monday, February 11, 2013
- EVERYONE should start reading and marking I Am Legend.
- No Class. Required conferences. Conferences are held in my office, PH 441. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- Bring a clean copy of a revised draft of your paper using the peer review and class activities from Wednesday as a guide. (5 points if revised, -5 if same copy as Monday's draft)
- Post the revised copy in the "Jekyll/Hyde Conference Draft" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
- Read and mark Chapters 1-10 of I Am Legend (pages 13-84). 5 points.
- We will begin watching 28 Days Later.
Friday, February 15. 2013
- Final Draft of Paper #1 Due. See Checklist for Paper #1. 200 points.
- Submit the final draft to Turnitin.com. (1 point for doing, zero on paper if not completed)
- Post a copy of the paper in the "Jekyll/Hyde Final Draft" forum. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
- Email a copy of the paper to me as an MS Word or Rich Text Format attachment. (1 point if completed, -5 if not)
- Please rename the file according to this convention: Lastname_Firstname_102_p1.doc or .rtf. (-2.5 if not renamed)
- Email the file to hhalbert@gmail.com. (-1 if sent to MC3 account)
- We will continue watching 28 Days Later in class.
Monday, February 18, 2013
- Read and mark Chapters 11-17 of I Am Legend (pages 84-147). 5 points.
- We will continue watching 28 Days Later.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
- Read and mark Chapters 18-21 of I Am Legend (pages 147-170). You will complete the novel. Do not accidentally start reading the short stories that follow. 5 points.
- We will continue watching 28 Days Later if we haven't finished it.
Friday, February 22, 2013
- Download, print, and mark a copy of The Horror Film (Chapter 9: "Slashers and Postslashers") from the course documents section of the class web page. 5 points.
- Bring I Am Legend to class.
Monday, February 25, 2013
- Download, print, and mark a copy of "Monster Theory (Seven Theses)." WARNING: This essay is very difficult. I strongly urge you to break it up over the three days between classes. 10 points.
- Bring I Am Legend to class.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
- Download, print, and mark a copy of "It's Alive, I'm Afraid" from The Monster Show in the reading packet. 5 points.
- Bring I Am Legend to class.
Friday, March 1, 2013
- Read and mark pages 44-4 83 in A Writer's Reference. Place a tab on the following items: "repeated citations from the same source," "Encyclopedia or Dictionary entry," " selection in an anthology," "general guidelines for works cited," "book with an author and a translator, "one or more selections from an anthology," "Republished book," "Short work from a web site," and "a work from a database." Also look at the sample research paper (487-492).
- Bring The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, I Am Legend, A Writer's Reference, and the three essays on monsters to class.
Monday, March 4, 2013
- Bring The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, I Am Legend, A Writer's Reference, and the three essays on monsters to class. IMPORTANT.
- Prepare your second "Handbook Card" for a "Handbook Quiz." The quiz will ask you do to the following: cite a republished book with an introduction, cite a regular book, cite a work from an anthology, and cite a work from a database.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
- First Draft of Paper #2 Due. Bring a clean copy to class. (5 points if 3+ pages, -5 if no paper)
- Post a copy in the "Paper #2 Draft 1" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Friday, March 8, 2013
- Second Draft of Paper #2 Due. Bring a clean copy to class. (5 points if 3+ pages, -5 if no paper)
- Post a copy in the "Paper #2 Draft 2" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Monday, March 11, 2013
- Download, print, and mark the Poe packet from the course documents section of the class web page. Read the following:
- "The Raven" (754-756)
- "Annabel Lee" (738)
- "The City in the Sea" (744-745)
- "The Sleeper" (745-746)
- "Ulalume" (757-759)
- "Alone" (812)
- "The Conqueror Worm" (814-815).
- "Edgar Allan Poe—A Biographical Note" (816-819)
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
- Bring Poe poems and A Writer's Reference to class. (Revised 3/11/2013)
Friday, March 15, 2013
- NO PHYSICAL CLASS MEETING. Dr. Halbert will be in his office, though, if you need to see him. (Revised 3/11/2013)
- Final Draft paper #2 Due. See Checklist for Paper #2. 200 points.
- Submit the final draft to Turnitin.com. (1 point for doing, zero on paper if not completed)
- Post a copy of the paper in the "Paper #2 Final Draft" forum. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
- Email a copy of the paper to me as an MS Word or Rich Text Format attachment. (1 point if completed, -5 if not)
- Please rename the file according to this convention: Lastname_Firstname_102_p2.doc or .rtf. (-2.5 if not renamed)
- Email the file to hhalbert@gmail.com. (-1 if sent to MC3 account)
- Absences count double.
- Last practical day to withdraw without signature (since we are all on vacation on the official deadline of March 19, 2013)
- We will discuss the Poe in-class essay, the final research project, and annotated bibliographies today.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Friday, March 22, 2013
Monday, March 25, 2013
- In-Class Poe Exam. See Assignment section for question options and instructions for making 5" x 8" exam card. (50 Points)
Wednesday, March 27, 2013 (Revised 3/24/2013)
- CLASS CANCELLED. Dr. Halbert will be out of the state to attend a funeral.
Friday, March 29, 2013 (REVISED 3/24/2013)
- Complete Research Paper Prewriting Activity.
Monday, April 1, 2013
- Library Research Day: meet in the main entrance of the library. We will sign in and talk very briefly before working independently on our projects. Those of you with laptops may want to bring them with you to class.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
- Library Research Day: meet in the main entrance of the library. We will sign in and talk very briefly before working independently on our projects. Those of you with laptops may want to bring them with you to class.
Friday, April 5, 2013
- Library Research Day: meet in the main entrance of the library. We will sign in and talk very briefly before working independently on our projects. Those of you with laptops may want to bring them with you to class
Monday, April 8, 2013
- Annotated Bibliography assignment due. (50 points)
- Two-minute presentations begin. Everyone should be ready to present.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
- Two-Minute Presentations. Everyone should be ready to go.
Friday, April 12, 2013
- Draft 1 of Research Paper Due. A minimum of three pages is required Bring a clean copy to class. (5 points if 3+ pages with Works Cited Page, -5 if no paper)
- Post a copy in the "Research Paper Draft 1" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Monday, April 15, 2013
- VIRTUAL CLASS: We will not meet physically because Dr. Halbert needs to appear as a witness in court. See Handouts section for instructions. (Revised April 7, 2013)
- Draft 2 of Research Paper Due. A minimum of five pages is required. Post a copy to the "Research Paper: Virtual Class (Draft 2)" discussion board slot as a copy and paste AND an attached file. The file MUST be an MS Word file or a Rich Text File.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
- No Class. Required conferences. Conferences are held in my office, PH 441. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- Bring a clean copy of a complete draft of your paper, including MLA works cited page) using the peer review and class activities from the previous class as a guide to revision. (5 points)
- Post the draft in the "Research Paper Conference Draft" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Friday, April 19, 2013
- No Class. Required conferences. Conferences are held in my office, PH 441. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- Bring a clean copy of a complete draft of your paper, including MLA works cited page) using the peer review and class activities from the previous class as a guide to revision. (5 points)
- Post the draft in the "Research Paper Conference Draft" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Monday, April 22, 2013
- No Class. Required conferences. Conferences are held in my office, PH 441. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- Bring a clean copy of a complete draft of your paper, including MLA works cited page) using the peer review and class activities from the previous class as a guide to revision. (5 points)
- Post the draft in the "Research Paper Conference Draft" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
- GRAMMAR REVISON OF PAPER #1 DUE. (Modified on April 7, 2013). Please submit to dropbox.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
- No Class. Required conferences. Conferences are held in my office, PH 441. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- Bring a clean copy of a complete draft of your paper, including MLA works cited page) using the peer review and class activities from the previous class as a guide to revision. (5 points)
- Post the draft in the "Research Paper Conference Draft" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Friday, April 26, 2013
- No Class. Required conferences. Conferences are held in my office, PH 441. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- Bring a clean copy of a complete draft of your paper, including MLA works cited page) using the peer review and class activities from the previous class as a guide to revision. (5 points)
- Post the draft in the "Research Paper Conference Draft" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Monday, April 29, 2013
- No Class. Required conferences. Conferences are held in my office, PH 441. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- Bring a clean copy of a complete draft of your paper, including MLA works cited page) using the peer review and class activities from the previous class as a guide to revision. (5 points)
- Post the draft in the "Research Paper Conference Draft" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
- No Class. Required conferences. Conferences are held in my office, PH 441. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- Bring a clean copy of a complete draft of your paper, including MLA works cited page) using the peer review and class activities from the previous class as a guide to revision. (5 points)
- Post the draft in the "Research Paper Conference Draft" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Friday, May 3, 2013
- Draft 4 of Research Paper Due. A minimum of five pages is required Bring a clean copy to class. (5 points if 5+ pages with Works Cited Page, -5 if no paper or no changes from draft 1)
- Post a copy in the "Research Paper Draft 4" forum. See handout for instructions. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
Monday, May 6, 2013
- Final Draft of the Research Paper is due. See Checklist for Research Paper in the handouts section. 300 points.
- Submit the final draft to Turnitin.com. (1 point for doing, zero on paper if not completed)
- Post a copy of the paper in the "Research Paper Final Draft" forum. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
- Email a copy of the paper to me as an MS Word or Rich Text Format attachment. (1 point if completed, -5 if not)
- Please rename the file according to this convention: Lastname_Firstname_102_p3.doc or .rtf. (-2.5 if not renamed)
- Email the file to hhalbert@gmail.com. (-1 if sent to MC3 account)
Friday, May 10, 2013
- Any major paper rewrites are due by 5PM today via email.
- Please rename the file according to following convention: Lastname_Firstname_102_p3_REWRITE.doc or .rtf.
- Please type "Major Paper Rewrite" in your subject line for your email.
There is no final exam in this course.