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After our first paper, I expect you to go back and correct both the grammar errors I've marked and the awkward sentences I'd like to see you clarify.  I ask each of you to do this because grammar is not something you master with workbook exercises; you must look at the types of mistakes you make in the context of your own writing and build your own personal techniques for spotting and correcting them. I know this is not an easy task, but I believe this process is a critical part of building up your ability to edit on your own.

The following guidelines describe what I expect in the way of a grammar revision.  See the syllabus for your semester for exact point value. If you don't turn it in on the day assigned, you will not receive the points.

What to correct:

  • Every error with an "x" next to it.  Sometimes I've given you a hint as to what the problem is.
  • Any highilighted or fixed error that appears after multiple examples of the same error have been pointed out.
  • Any sentence or phrase that I ask you to read out loud and rewrite.
  • Any phrase or sentence I identify as awkward.
  • Incorrect bibliography citations.

What not to correct:

  • Transitions.
  • Content problems.
  • Paragraph order issues.
  • Organization issues.

What should the revision look like?

On a separate sheet of paper, number each correction separately.  Ideally, you'll follow the order the errors appeared in your draft.  NUMBER each error.  Follow this basic pattern (and include the words "Error," "Correction," and "Rule"):

1.   Error:  "John ran and he jumped." (Notice that this is the entire sentence. Don't shorten it.)
Correction: "John ran, and he jumped."
Rule:  Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction if it is followed by an independent clause.

The rule must make sense.  Don't make up a rule just to get it done.  Your rule does not have to be technical like we find in the grammar handbooks, but it must address the specific problem and be applicable to future situations. Copy the whole sentence with the error in it so I can see the context.  I recommend using the cut and paste technique to save yourself the problem of having to retype the sentences.

You may not say, "See error # ___ for rule" to save time.  Each error must have its own explanation.

How to submit your grammar revision

  • Subit the file as either an MS Word or Rich Text Format attachment to the "Grammar Revision Dropbox." RENAME the FILE following ths convention: LastName_FirstInitial_Grammar.doc (or .docx or .rtf depending on your word processor).

Where to go for help:

  • The grammar/style book you bought for this course offers a lot of detailed descriptions of errors and examples of how to fix them.  Try using it as a guide.
  • All of you can come by during my office hours or set up an appointment with me to talk about a specific grammar issue.  Bring your paper with you so we can see what errors you made.
  • The Learning Asistance Lab offers writing tutoring that might help as well.




Site URL: http://www.halhalbert.com/classes/fall2022/eng102
Site designed and owned by Dr. Harold William Halbert
Site published on January 17, 2022