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In a discussion board posting, please write at least three-fourths of a page answering the following questions about a possible topic for your research paper.
1. Please name two possible topics that you are interested in that meet the requirements for the paper.
2. Pick one and discuss the following about that topic?
- Why are you interested in your specific topic?
- What do you know about it?
- What types of information that are not directly related to the person, group, event, or thing that you are writing about might help add depth to your analysis?
- What "monster culture" ideas might help?
- What are the monstrous qualities of your subject?
Please post your prewriting to the "Prewriting for Research Paper" forum.
Site URL: http://www.halhalbert.com/classes/spring2023/eng102
Site created and owned by Dr. Harold William Halbert
Date site created: January 28, 2023