<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> English 102
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PART 1: Please read and sign the following:

On my honor, I have not taken the words or ideas of any person, on-line resource, printed text, or other source without properly labeling those words or ideas and giving the proper citation. This paper is a non-recycled, new paper written specifically for Dr. Halbert's Summer 2011 English 102 course. I have never handed this paper in for credit before.

Name: ________________________________ Date: __________________

Signature: ______________________________

PART II: YOU MUST ALSO EMAIL ME A COPY OF YOUR PAPER AS AN EMAIL ATTACHMENT IN MS WORD FORMAT or AS A RICH TEXT FORMAT (.rtf) DOCUMENT BY 11:59PM Thursday June 16, 2011. Please name the file using the following model: LASTNAME_FIRST INITIAL_102_P2 (example: Halbert_H_102_21.doc)

I understand I must send an email attachment of the paper using the file name convention listed above by the appointed time and date. This file must match the paper copy exactly as it will be the copy that is actually graded.

INITIALS: __________________

PART III: Submit your paper to TurnItIn.com (see class web page for instructions in the main menu)

PART IV: Post a copy to the discussion board in the "PAPER 2: Final Version" forum

PART V: Please print a copy of this checklist. Initial each item when you have completed it and then sign it at the bottom. Place this checklist on top of the items listed below. DO NOT INITIAL ITEMS YOU HAVE NOT ACTUALLY COMPLETED. The packet is due at the start of class on Monday, June 20, 2011.

_____ Uses a 9" x 12" envelope (we will label it in class)

_____ A note to me about the paper (we will do this in class)

_____ Your receipt from TurnItIn.com

_____ Final Draft

_____ Marked "Final Draft to Be Graded" in the Identification information

_____ Uses 1" margins (with a Zero gutter). Click on FORMAT and then DOCUMENT to get the margin controls to work.

_____ Follows the MLA Format guidelines available on the class web page in the handouts section and A Writer's Reference.

_____ Use a 12 point Times New Roman font

_____ Is stapled in the upper left corner

_____ Is neatly printed in black ink, wrinkle-free, and clean. The paper should be printed on one side of the paper only.

_____ The Emailed attachment must do the following:

_____ Use the Center Command for the Paper's Title and the Works Cited Title

_____ Use the Hanging Indent command from the Paragraph Format menu to format the works cited entry for the novel

_____ Turn off the gap between paragraphs using the command on the Paragraph Format right click menu

_____ Use the Insert: Page Break command to force the Works Cited Page to start at the top of a new page

_____ Have a file name that matches this naming convention: LASTNAME_FIRST INITIAL_102_P2 (example: Halbert_H_102_P2.doc)

_____ Your first draft with peer reviewer's marks

_____ Your second draft with peer reviewer's marks



Site URL: http://www.halhalbert.com/classes/summer2011/eng102
Site designed and owned by Dr. Harold William Halbert
Site published on May 15, 2011