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There are three major tasks involved in submitting the final draft of your papers for grading: preparing the document, submitting it to the dropbox, and posting to the discussion board.
1. Prepare the document
- Make sure the file is in MS Word format. Folks using other word processors need to export or save as an MS Word file.
- Make sure your paper follows the MS Word formatting commands outlined in the MS Word Assignment. Consult the MS Word handout on how to use the proper commands.
- Visually compare your paper's layout to an MLA format sample paper. One can be found at the end of the MLA section of A Pocket Style Manual. One is also available on the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)'s MLA site.
- Make sure the paper is double spaced, use Times New Roman 12 Point font, removes extra gaps from between paragraphs, has a works cited page if sources are used, and contains the same header and information block details as required by MLA format.
2. Upload the document to the Dropbox.
- Make sure the file is in MS Word format.
- Click on Dropboxes in the Blackboard menu for our course.
- Select the appropriate dropbox for the paper assignment. Consult the Daily Assignments if you are not sure which dropbox is appropriate.
- Attach the file to your submission: you do not need to copy and paste.
- Click to authorize the Safe Assign plagiarism checker. You are required to authorize this checker before the paper will be graded.
- This copy is the graded copy.
3. Post to the "Final Draft" Discussion Board forum for the paper.
- Click on the Discussion Board link in the Blackboard menu for our course.
- Select the appropriate "Final Draft" forum for the paper.
- Copy and Paste AND attach the file.
- This version is posted as a backup of your dropbox submission and as a resource for classmates who may want to read the final papers of others in order to see alternative ways of writing about the topic.
By submitting your final draft online, you are accepting the following Academic Honesty statement about the assignment:
On my honor, I have not taken the words or ideas of any person, on-line resource, printed text, or other source without properly labeling those words or ideas and giving the proper citation. This paper is a non-recycled, new paper written specifically for Dr. Halbert's section of the course for this semester. I have never handed this paper in for credit before.
Site URL: http://www.halhalbert.com/classes/summer2020/eng102
Site created and owned by Dr. Harold William Halbert
Date site created: May 15, 2020