Course Banner: English 102 OSC. Dr. Halbert. Summer 2020.

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There are three major tasks involved in submitting the final draft of your papers for grading: preparing the document, submitting it to the dropbox, and posting to the discussion board.

1. Prepare the document

2. Upload the document to the Dropbox.

3. Post to the "Final Draft" Discussion Board forum for the paper.

By submitting your final draft online, you are accepting the following Academic Honesty statement about the assignment:

On my honor, I have not taken the words or ideas of any person, on-line resource, printed text, or other source without properly labeling those words or ideas and giving the proper citation. This paper is a non-recycled, new paper written specifically for Dr. Halbert's section of the course for this semester. I have never handed this paper in for credit before.