Note: The bulleted items under a specific date are what is due on that date. Items are due at the start of class unless otherwise noted.
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Friday, September 2, 2022
- Read the instructions and complete the Contact Information handout (See Handouts page).
- Read the instructions and complete the Student Contract handout (See Handouts page).
- Read the instructions and complete the “Introduce Yourself” assignment (See Assignments page)..
- Read "How to Really Read This Book" (Download from the Course Materials section of the class web page)
- Read and mark the following documents in this order (if you don't have the text yet, you can download these from Course Materials):
- "Creation of the Whites" (Yuchi myth; Heath Vol. A, 77)
- "The Arrival of the Whites" (Lenape-Delaware oral tradition; Heath Vol. A, 78-84)
- "In Focus: America in the World/The World in America" (background essay; Heath 107-109) (please note this section is called "Cluster: America in the European Imagination" if printed from Course Materials)
- from Utopia (Thomas More; Heath 110)
- from Of Cannibals (Michel de Montaigne; Heath 110-111)
- America (Painting, Heath 111)
- from New Atlantis (Francis Bacon; Heath 113)
Monday, September 5, 2022
- NO CLASS. Labor Day. Thank a Union.
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
- NO CLASS: We do not meet on Tuesdays.
- Last day to add a course without faculty signature.
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
- Read and mark the following documents in this order (if you don't have the text yet, you can download these from Course Materials):
- "Requerimiento" (Palacios Rubios; boxed text Heath 117-118)
- "Christopher Columbus" (background essay; Heath 122-123)
- Excerpt from The Diario of Christopher Columbus's First Voyage to America 1492-1493; Handout.
- "Cluster: Aesthetics and Criticism—Paradigms of Cultural Encounters" (136-146)
Friday, September 9, 2022
- Read and mark the following Selections from the Heath Vol. A:
- from Relation of Alvar Nunez Cabez de Vaca (147-161)
- "History of the Miraculous Apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe in 1531" (231-240)
- "The Coming of the Spanish and the Pueblo Revolt" (259-263)
Monday, September 12, 2022
- Read and mark the following Selections from the Heath Vol. A:
- All of the selections by John Smith (Vol A. 315-329)
- From Richard Frethorne, to His Parents (Virginia, 1623) (Vol A. 330-334)
- Read and mark "New England" (overview; Vol A. 359-364)
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
- Read and mark the entire William Bradford section (Vol A. 397--421).
Friday, September 16, 2022
- Read and mark the entire Thomas Morton section (Vol. A 364-378)
Monday, September 19, 2022
- Read and mark the following selections from Anne Bradstreet:
- "Anne Bradstreet 1612?-1672" (Vol A. 437-438)
- "The Prologue [To Her Book]" (Vol A. 439-441)
- "The Author to Her Book" (Vol A. 445)
- "The Flesh and the Spirit" (Vol A. 446-448)
- "Before the Birth of One of Her Children" (Vol A. 448-449)
- "To My Dear and Loving Husband" (Vol A 449)
- "A Letter to Her Husband, Absent Upon Public Employment" (Vol A. 449-450)
- "In Memory of My Dear Grandchild Elizabeth Bradstreet, Who Deceased August, 1665, Being a Year and Half Old" (Vol A. 450-451)
- "On My Dear Grandchild Simon Bradstreet, Who Died on 16 November, 1669, being but a Month, and One Day Old" (Vol A. 451)
- "Upon the Burning of Our House July 10th, 1666" (Vol A.451-452)
- "To My Dear Children" (Vol A.452-455)
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
- NO CLASS: We do not meet on Tuesdays.
- Last day to drop a course.
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
- Read and mark the following selections from Cotton Mather:
- "Cotton Mather 1663-1728" (Vol A. 452--454)
- from The Wonders of the Invisible World (Vol A. 555-560)
- from The Negro Christianized (Vol A. 573-578)
- from Bonifacius . . . With Humble Proposals . . . to Do Good in the World (Vol A. 579-580)
- Withdrawal period without signature starts.
Friday, September 23, 2022
Monday, September 26, 2022
- Read and mark the following from Jonathan Edwards:
- "Jonathan Edwards 1703-1758" (Vol. A 700-702)
- from Images of Divine Things (Vol A. 702-704)
- "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" (Vol A. 723-735)
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
- Read all of the selections of William Byrd II (Vol A. 662-687)
Friday, September 30, 2022
- NO CLASS: Dr. Halbert will be traveling.
- Scholarly Article Analysis Project (20 points). Post written response in the “Academic Article Activity” forum and dropbox. See Assignment description for specific details. Activity due by noon today. Read and mark “Going Native, Going Home. Ethnographic Empathy and the Artifice of Return In Cabeza De Vaca’s Relación” in the Course Materials and then analze the article as described in the project description..
Monday, October 3, 2022
- Draft of Paper #1 Due. Bring a copy to class and post a copy to the discussion board in the "Paper #1: Draft" forum. (20 points)
- The draft will be assessed according to the following scale: 20 points for a full draft with works cited, 15 for 4 pages without a works cited, 10 for 3 pages, 5 for 2 pages, and 2 for 1 page.
- If you had an accommodations letter sent to me, please send me an email to remind me that you will need extra time on the midterm exam on October 14th so I can make arrangements.
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
- Read and mark the following from Thomas Jefferson:
- “Thomas Jefferson: 1743-1826” (Vol A 1080-1083)
- From Notes on the State of Virginia (Vol A 1083-1101)
Friday, October 7, 2022
- Read and mark the entire Thomas Paine section (Vol A 1045-1065)
- Exam Quotation Assignment #1 Due. Submit your quotation assignment to the Blackboard Drop Box by the start of class.
- We will go over the midterm exam today.
Monday, October 10, 2022
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
- Read the following selections by Phillis Wheatley:
- "Phillis Wheatley 1753-1784 (Vol A 1349-1350)
- "To MÏcenas" (Vol A 1350-1351)
- "To the Right Honoruable William, Earl of Dartmouth, His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for North-America, &c" (Vol A 1352-1353)
- "On Being Brought from Africa to America" (Vol A 1357)
- "To the University of Cambridge, in New England" (Vol A 1359)
- "To His Excellency General Washington" (Vol A 1361-1362)
- "Liberty and Peace, A Poem by Phillis Peters" (Vol A 1363-1364)
- Letter to Samson Occom (Vol A 1156-1157)
Friday, October 14, 2022
Monday, October 17, 2022
- Read and mark the following:
- “Federalist and Anti-Federalist Contentions” (Vol A 1118-1121)
- The Federalist No. 6 (Vol A 1121-1126)
- The Federalist No. 10 (Vol A 1126-1131)
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
- Read and mark the entire Toussanint L’Ouverture section (Vol A 1135-1142)
Friday, October 21, 2022
- Read and mark "Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790" (Vol A. 910-912)
- Read and mark in Volume A the following essays by Benjamin Franklin:
- “The Way to Wealth” (913-919)
- “A Witch Trial at Mount Holly” (919-920)
- “The Speech of Polly Baker” (920-922)
- “Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America” (927-931)
- “On the Slave Trade” (931-933)
- “Speech in the Convention” (933-935
Monday, October 24, 2022
- Read and mark selection from The Autobiography (935-983: stop at the Part Two). WARNING: This piece is long.
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
- Read the entire J. Hector St. John De Crèvecoeur section (Vol. A, 1006-1045)
Friday, October 28, 2022
- Read and mark Vol A, pages 1065-1073 on John and Abigail Adams
- Read and mark all the selections by Sarah Moore Grimke and by Angelina Grimke (VOL B. 2444-2454)
- Read and mark "Declaration of Sentiments" (Vol B. 2477-2479
Monday, October 31, 2022
- Read and mark the entire Fanny Fern Section (Vol B. 2462-2473)
- Anyone wearing a full costume (none of this name tag/paper leaf nonsense) to class will get 5 points of extra credit.
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
- Read and mark the introduction to Frederick Douglass and Chapters 1-9 of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, (Vol. B. 2163- 2199).
- Withdrawal period without signature ends.
Thursday, November 3, 2022.
- NO CLASS: We do not meet on Thursdays.
- Withdrawal period with required faculty signature starts.
Friday, November 4, 2022
- Finish reading and marking Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, (Vol. B. 2199-2234)
Monday, November 7, 2022
- Read and mark “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?”—Douglass (Vol B 2235-2251)
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
- NO CLASS: We do not meet on Tuesdays.
- Today is Election Day. See election-related extra credit. Please vote if you are eligible.
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
- Read and mark the following selections from Washington Irving:
- "Washington Irving" (Vol B. 2505-2506)
- from A History of New York, Chapter 5 (Handout in Course Documents)
- Read the following selections from In Focus: Humor of the Old Southwest:
- introduction (Vol B.2484-2487, including the ad)
- All of the selections by Davy Crockett (Vol B. 2488-2491)
- All of the selections by Mike Fink (Vol B. 2491-2492)
- Mike Fink handout in Course Documents
Friday, November 11, 2022
- Read and mark the following selections by Ralph Waldo Emerson
- "Ralph Waldo Emerson" (Vol B. 1822-1825)
- "Chapter I: Nature" (Vol B. 1826-1828)
- "Chapter III: Beauty" (Vol. B. 1829-1833)
Monday, November 14, 2022
- Read and mark the following selections by Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Self-Reliance (Vol B. 1868-1887)
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
- Read and mark the following the following by Henry David Thoreau:
- "Henry David Thoreau" (Vol B. 1978-1979)
- "Resistance to Civil Government" (Vol B. 1979-1995)
Thursday, November 17, 2022
- NO CLASS: We do not meet on Thursdays.
- Withdrawal period with faculty signature ends.
Friday, November 18, 2022
- Library Research Orientation. Meet in the Computer Lab in the Library. Make sure to sign in with the librarian as Dr. Halbert will be at an academic conference.
- Excused Withdrawal period starts: you will need to petition Academic Affairs with documentation of an emergency/extreme circumstances to withdraw after this point.
Monday, November 21, 2022
- Library Research Day. Meet in the library main floor and sign in with Dr. Halbert. We will work on sources for your final paper and your annotated bibliography.
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
- NO CLASS: Thanksgiving Break
Friday, November 25, 2022
- NO CLASS: Thanksgiving Break
Monday, November 28, 2022
- Read and mark “Rip Van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” by Washington Irving (Vol B. 2506-2541)
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
- Read and mark the following selections from Edgar Allen Poe:
- "Edgar Allen Poe" (Vol B. 2691-2693)
- "The Fall of the House of Usher" (Vol B. 2706-2720)
- "The Tell-Tale Heart" (Vol B. 2727-2731)
- "The Purloined Letter" (Vol B. 2731-2745)
- "The Raven" (Vol B. 2764-2767)
- "Annabel Lee" (Vol B. 2767-2768)
Friday, December 2, 2022
- Annotated Bibliography Due. Post one copy to the dropbox and a second copy to the discussion board forum “Research Bank.” Be sure to have a clear indication of what your topic and texts are in the subject line: “My research” will not be enough.
- Two-minute presentations due.
Monday, December 5, 2022
- Draft of Paper #2 due. Bring a copy to class and post a copy in the "Paper #2: Draft" forum.
- The draft will be assessed according to the following scale: 20 points for a full draft with works cited, 15 for 4 pages without a works cited, 10 for 3 pages, 5 for 2 pages, and 2 for 1 page.
- If you had an accommodations letter sent to me, please send me an email to remind me that you will need extra time on the final exam on December 14th so I can make arrangements.
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
- Read and mark the following from Nathaniel Hawthorne
- “Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1804-1864”
- “Rappaccini’s Daughter” (Vol. B 2653—2676)
Friday, December 9, 2022
- Complete Exam Quotation Assignment #2 and post to the dropbox. Remember to use at least six different writers listed on the syllabus after the due date for quote assignment 1.
- Read and mark the following from Emily Dickinson:
- “Emily Dickinson, 1830-1886” (Vol. B. 3343-3347)
- “Success is counted sweetest” (Vol. B 3349)
- “I like a look of Agony” (Vol. B 3350)
- “Wild Nights---Wild Nights!” (Vol. B 33 51)
- “There’s a certain Slant of light” (Vol. B 3351-52)
- “I felt a Funeral, in my Brain” (Vol. B 3352)
- “The Soul selects her own Society” (Vol. B 3353)
- “Some keep the Sabbath going to Church” (Vol. B 3354)
- “After a great pain, a formal feeling comes” (Vol. B 3356)
- “This is my letter to the World” (Vol. B 3358)
- “I showed her Hights she never saw” (Vol. B 3358)
- “I heard a Fly buzz---when I died” (Vol. B 3359)
- “The World is not Conclusion” (Vol. B 3360)
- “I cannot live with You” (Vol. B 3364-65)
- “I dwell in Possibility” (Vol. B 3366)
- “Publication---is the Auction” (Vol. B 3367)
- “Because I could not stop for Death” (Vol. B 3368)
- “A narrow Fellow in the Grass” (Vol. b 3371)
Monday, December 12, 2022
- Last Class.
- Read and mark the following from Walt Whitman:
- "Walt Whitman 1819-1892" biography (Vol B. 3218-3222)
- "Ethiopia Saluting the Colors" (Vol. B 3311)
- "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd" (Vol. B 3312-3319)
- "Prayer of Columbus" (handout in Course Documents)
- "To a Locomotive in Winter" (Vol. B 3321)
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
- Final Exam ENG 211 American Literature 1 at 10:20 AM to 12:20 PM in our normal classroom.
- Last day to reconcile any missing readings or other assignments. Not all will be accepted.
Monday, December 19, 2022
- Final Draft of Paper #2 (with research) Due at 10 AM. See checklist for details. No extensions will be possible.
- Optional . Major Paper Rewrite of Paper #1 due at 10 AM. No extensions will be possible.
Note: grades are due on Wednesday, December 21, 2022, at 11:59PM. Do not email me about your final grade until I announce to the class that all the grades have been submitted unless there is a problem with a specific assignment. Please check your email every day until I make that announcement: if there’s an issue with you grade that we can fix, I will contact you via email.