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Note: Homework is due at the start of class on the date immediately above the bulleted list of individual assignments.
Thursday, August 31, 2023
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
- Complete the Contact Information survey.
- Read the instructions and complete the Student Contract handout (See Handouts page).
- Read and mark "How to Really Read This Book" (in the Files section of our Canvas page)
- Read and mark The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde from actual start of novel up to "The Incident at the Window." You do not need to read the introductory materials if there are any in your copy. (5 points)
- Last day to add without signature.
Thursday, September 7, 2023
- Finish reading and marking The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Please note that the final chapter is the “Full Statement of the Case” and is essential to the novella’s meaning. (5 points).
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
- Scholarly Article Analysis Project Due. See Assignments for details. A copy of the required article, “Twins, Twinship, and Robert Louis Stevenson's Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,” can be found in the “Files” section of the class Canvas site.
- Read, and mark the online handout “"Integrating Quotes into a Paper (MLA Style)"” on the class web page (either print a copy or save a copy from the web and mark in MS Word). This may help with the Scholarly Article Analysis Project.
Thursday, September 14, 2023
- Read and mark pages 108-131 in A Pocket Style Manual (“Supporting a Thesis, “Using Sources to inform…,” all of “Avoiding Plagiarism,” all of “Integrating sources,” and all of “Integrating literary quotations.” Place a tab on the following items: “Citing quotations and borrowed idea,” "Be a responsible research writer," "Using the ellipsis mark," "Using brackets," "setting off long quotations," and "Using signal phrases." 5 points.
- Skim the entire MLA documentation style section (132-186). Put a bracket by “Author named in a signal phrase” in-text citations, the basic works cited entry for a “single author” book, an online source, a source from an anthology, a source from a database, and MLA paper format.
- Sign up for a conference with me via Starfish. See Handouts section for instructions on how to do this. You can only sign up for one conference.
- Bring The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde to class.
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
- Draft 1 of Paper #1 is due (5 points if complete; -5 if not done). Make sure it is posted to the discussion board in the “Jekyll and Hyde Paper: Draft 1” topic: others will need to read your paper in class today.
- Print a copy before class.
- Last day to drop a course (15-week Classes)
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
- No class: we do not meet on Wednesdays.
- Withdrawal without signature period starts.
Thursday, September 21, 2023
- No Class. Required conferences. Post a copy of the revised draft in the “Paper 1: Conference Draft (draft 2)” discussion board topic prior to your conference so I can read it. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference).
- Print a copy before your conference and bring it to the conference.
- The paper should be complete and revised based on your peer review and your own editing efforts.
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
- No Class. Required conferences. Post a copy of the revised draft in the “Paper 1: Conference Draft (draft 2)” discussion board topic prior to your conference so I can read it. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- Print a copy before your conference and bring it to the conference.
- The paper should be complete and revised based on your peer review and your own editing efforts.
Thursday, September 28, 2023
- Draft 3 of Paper #1 is due (5 points if complete; -5 if not done). Make sure it is posted to the discussion board in the “Jekyll and Hyde Paper: Draft 3” topic: others will need to read your paper in class today.
- Print a copy for others to read.
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
- Paper #1 Due. Post to the “Paper #1 Final Draft (Discussion Board)” discussion board topic AND to the “Paper #1 Final Draft (Graded)" Assignment. See checklist in Graded Task Descriptions for more details.
- No printing needed.
- We will complete the “Note to Dr. Halbert on Paper #1” in class.
Thursday, October 5, 2023
- Read and mark Chapters 1-17 of I Am Legend (pages 1-147). 10 points.
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
- Read and mark Chapters 18-21 of I Am Legend (pages 147-170). You will complete the novel. Do not accidentally start reading the short stories that follow. The last words of the novel are “I am legend.” 5 points.
Thursday, October 12, 2023
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
- Read and mark a copy of "Monster Theory (Seven Theses)." WARNING: This essay is very difficult. I strongly urge you to break it up over Monday and Tuesday night. 10 points due to difficulty.
Thursday, October 19, 2023
- Read and mark a copy of The Horror Film (Chapter 9: "Slashers and Postslashers") from the course documents section of the class web page.
- Read and mark a copy of "It's Alive, I'm Afraid" from The Monster Show in the reading packet. 5 points.
- Bring A Pocket Style Manual and all the photocopied essays with you to class.
- Sign up for a conference with me via Starfish. See Handouts section for instructions on how to do this. You can only sign up for one conference.
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
- First Draft of Paper #2 Due. Post a copy in the "Paper #2 Draft 1" discussion board topic before class starts so that others can read your paper. (5 points if 3+ pages, -5 if no paper)
Thursday, October 26, 2023
- No Class. Required conferences. Post a copy of the revised draft in the “Paper 2: Conference Draft (Draft 2)” discussion board topic prior to your conference so I can read it. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- The paper should be complete and revised based on your peer review and your own editing efforts.
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
- No Class. Required conferences. Post a copy of the revised draft in the “Paper 2: Conference Draft (Draft 2)” discussion board topic prior to your conference so I can read it. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- The paper should be complete and revised based on your peer review and your own editing efforts.
- Withdrawal without signature period ends.
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
- No class: we do not met on Wednesdays.
- Withdrawal without signature period ends.
Thursday, November 2, 2023
- Third Draft of Paper #2 Due. Post a copy in the "Paper #2 Draft 3" discussion board topic before class starts so that others can read your paper. (5 points if 3+ pages, -5 if no paper)
- Withdrawal with faculty signature period starts.
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
- Paper #2 Due. Post to the discussion board AND to the dropbox. See checklist in Grade Task Descriptions for more details.
- Today is Election Day. See Extra Credit section for information on voting and extra credit.
Thursday, November 9, 2023
- Library Orientation. 5 points instead of 1 for attendance.
- Complete prewriting assignment and post to “Research Paper: Prewriting” discussion board topic. Make sure your subject line clearly identifies the topic.
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
- Library Research Day. Sign in with Dr. Halbert at the Library on the main floor of South Hall.
Thursday, November 16, 2023
- Annotated bibliography assignment due. See description in Graded Task Descriptions section and the sample annotated bibliography. Post a copy to the Research Bank discussion board topic and to the dropbox. WARNING: every semester two or three students flunk the course because they forget to submit this assignment. Don’t be that student. (50 points)
- Two-minute presentations. Everyone who goes today gets an extra point. Everyone is required to be prepared to give the presentation.
Friday, November 17, 2023
- No class: we do not meet on Fridays.
- Withdrawal with faculty signature period ends.
Saturday November 18, 2023
- No class: we do not meet on Saturdays.
- Withdrawal after deadline period starts and runs to the end of the semester. Withdrawals require approval from Academic Affairs after this point.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
- First Draft of Research pape due. Post at least 3 pages in the “Research Paper: Draft #1” Discussion Board topic prior to class so that. (5 points if 3+ pages, -5 if not posted by class time).
- Two-minute Presentations overflow.
- Sign up for a conference with me via Starfish. See Handouts section for instructions on how to do this. You can only sign up for one conference.
Thursday, November 23, 2023
- No class: Thanksgiving Break.
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
- No Class. Required conferences. Post a revised copy in the “Research Paper: Conference Draft (Draft 2)” Discussion Board topic. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- The complete draft of your paper should include an MLA works cited page and use and previous class activities as a guide to revision.
Thursday, November 30, 2023
- No Class. Required conferences. Post a revised copy in the “Research Paper: Conference Draft (Draft 2)” Discussion Board topic. (1 point if you come, -10 if you miss conference)
- The complete draft of your paper should include an MLA works cited page and use previous class activities as a guide to revision.
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
- Third Draft of Research paper due. Post a full draft with a full works cited in the “Research Paper: Draft #3” Discussion Board topic prior to class so that. (5 points if complete w/ works cited pages, -5 if not posted by class time).
Thursday, December 7, 2023
- Last class.
- Research Paper Due (300 points). See the checklist for full details.
- Post a copy of the paper in the "Paper #3 Final Draft (Discussion Board)" topic. (1 point if posted, -5 if not)
- Post a copy of the paper to the "Paper #3 Final Draft (Graded Copy)" Assignment (this copy will be graded).
- We will do several activities designed to add points to your course total.
- Last day to resolve any missing work.
- It is always a good idea to attend the last meeting of any course.
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
- No class: the course is over.
- The optional Major Paper Rewrite of Paper #1 is due today by 10AM. There will be no extensions. Please email a copy of the MS Word file directly to Dr. Halbert and post the MS Word File to the “Major Paper Rewrite” assignment on Canvas.
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
- No class: the course is over.
- Grades (15-week Courses) due from Faculty to Registrar by 11:59 PM
End of Semester Notes and Reminders:
- There is no final exam in this course.
- Attend the final meeting of all your classes.
- Check your Montco email and Canvas announcements every day until Dr. Halbert says the grades are posted.
- Don’t email Dr. Halbert to see if the grades are done: he will announce when he is done.
- Do check your gradebook on Canvas during the exams to see individual assignment grades as they are entered.
- If there is a problem with a graded assignment, please email Dr. Halbert immediately.
Site URL: http://www.halhalbert.com/classes/fall2023/eng102
Site created and owned by Dr. Harold William Halbert
Date site created: August 25, 2023