Course Banner: English 102 OSC. Dr. Halbert. Summer 2020.

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Because this course is taught online, understanding the layout of the course and my expectations for participation is very important. Your primary interface with the course will be through the Blackboard online course management system available from the student portal of Montgomery County Community College. You will need to log in to the portal, click on the Blackboard icon at the top (it has a pencil as an icon), and use the menu options to guide you through the course. I have divided the course into the following basic sections:

Be advised that most of the items I write for this course will also be available on my personal web site, I will link them into the menu, and they will open in a separate tab on your browser. If you log into Blackboard and click on a menu item that I wrote, it will open in a new tab but keep the original Blackboard page open in a separate tab in your browser.